Wednesday, June 15, 2011

If Only......

 I love to buy a book for a great cover.....
 Do you think she's Swedish?
 This is one of those books...
 If only I could read it, 
what a sweet inscription or at least it must be.
 The illustrations are beautiful.
 I just know that its filled with great recipes...
 It was published in Sweden in 1940.

Happy mid week!!!


  1. Yes! Old books are amazing! I prefer Dutch books :-)... But new books and a great cover are nice too. It allways make me wanna buy it! That's why I never want to have a E-reader... A book without a cover!! ;-)

  2. Is that all your stuff? I love it!

    It is a beautiful book ... you need to get someone to teach your poodle how to read Swedish.

  3. I always buys books for the cover, just because they are pretty, and never to read them. Fantastic photos, Tam x

  4. Oh I like these books, Heidi! Where do you bought them?!
    Have a nice day too!

  5. I think she is from Norway. Lovely old books. I love old children books, but on my bookshelfs is no place anymore.
    For my son and daughter I bought several books with their names.
    Have a nice day,
    lieve groetjes

  6. I am complete sucker for pretty old books with inscriptions :o) Scarlett x

  7. Love the Kokbok - wonderful illustrations. And I like all your painted wooden cockerels and horses. Nearly the weekend! Abby x

  8. I love the old books too, the illustrations are so sweet. xo

  9. Thank u so much for your nice words on my blog.
    Makes me sooo happy!!!!!!!!!!!1


  10. Your reds and blues are so vibrant and pretty. The illustrations in the cookbook are truly works of art. Hope you have a blessed day. Diane

  11. A lovely find that book! And what a lot of gorgeous colourful swedish looking trinkets you have!

    Although I have to admit those toadstools kept distracting me.................

    Oh I do love a toadstool.

    MBB x

  12. You have lots of beautiful coloured things, Heidi!
    I hope that someone can traslate the inscription for you, I am very curious about it!
    Have a nice day,

  13. Hi Heidi, I speak Swedish fluently so I can help you out! The foreword says: To Karl and Maria, with dear greetings from Mother 1945" See, that was easy! (and sweet) I also think the lady in wood is Norwegian, just from the colors they've used.

  14. Such pretty books. I think I am a lot like you....I could buy a book for a lovely cover too :-)

    I enjoyed the fact that you have two boys, more or less the same age as my daughters too!

    Happy day!

    Madelief x

  15. never
    a book
    by it,s


  16. I love old books to there is something wonderful and magical about them. I think its do with the romance of when they were first bought and for whom. Have a lovely weekend, dee x

  17. Beautiful book, beautiful things, beautiful home, beautiful blog post!

  18. Lovely bright, cheerful and homely images.
    The book looks great Heidi!
    You have some lovely things in your home.
    Gill xx

  19. Dear Heidi,

    every time I look on your blog I think your house must be full of beautiful treasures. I always love what you show. And the colour of your house is great!

    I wish you a nice day tomorrow,

  20. Sweet book and sweet little painted chickies :)
    jane x x x

  21. I love all your Dala horses and chickens. So many cute Scandinavian painted pieces. The illustrations in that books are marvelous! Yes, I do think that lady candleholder is Swedish. She looks like some of the ones at the import shop near us.

  22. Oh those roosters are fantastic, love the book and the mushroom illustrations! I do think that she is of Norway decent- she has the look of a gal about to serve some pannekoeken!

  23. happy mid week to you too :) :) i'm sorry i haven't been able to visit you here lately, we have been playing hosts and tour guides with visiting friends and traveling. gosh that month is it july yet!? hope you have a great friday!!

  24. Oh darling, i can finally leave comments again, yay!! I use the goggle translater function, my children are teaching themselves how to speak all sorts of languages & write me notes in different languages by using this simple system. The books are all beautiful, not sure if the wooden lady is Swedish, Dutch, Danish or Norwegian, but she looks a tad like she has bloomer knickers on her head, tee hee. Love Posie

  25. I love old book covers too, the beautiful artwork in children's books. I hope you had a good week Ms Petticoat. xo

  26. Such cute things! Very colorful and nice! :)

    Have a nice weekend!

  27. Aw, these treasures do make me think of Sweden! Love them, so so happily colored.
    Love for a wonderful weekend o xx o

  28. Love your books my friend..such joy over at you home. xoxox Happy weekend

  29. oh dear, a little frustrated though, if one can't read it??? the illustrations really are awesome.

  30. Beautiful treasures you have ;) See you like skandinavian things?!

    Maby you can use google translator, its pretty good ;)

    Thanks for commenting on my blog, nice to have followers from other countries.

    I`m norwegian, but understand swedish......if you need help....

  31. Hej Heidi

    My lovely. I received your email I will reply...thanks soo much. Just realised I have not followed your new blog and was wondering why I wasn't getting any updates doh!!! Am now a follower and so am playing catch up with your posts. Everything looks so lovely & great. LOVE all your Swedish things ;-) I wonder why? lol!
    Have a great week ahead my friend
