Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Year to year......Christmas Cheer....

 I ran into the gal that works at the thrift store at the bank yesterday and she was telling me
to stop by she was putting some new things out......
I found this lovely vintage frosted set.
 This year everyone wanted the tree back in the living room
which is not an easy task....space wise.
 I also found these lovely Anne Klein flats, 
I don't think they were ever worn!
 This was last year and I must say I'm thankful we left the flocked
tree put away this year with Jerry......
because He's just too precious!

We have gotten a good dump of snow 
along with that came some lovely warmer temps.
its wonderful!

I want to thank you all for your lovely comments on
my last post about my Battle with the Bulge.
They mean a lot to me!

Hope your all having a great week so far,


  1. Oh My goodness that frosted jug and glass set is gorgeous what a lovely find that will be great for Pimms and lemonade in the summer. Loving those little silver pumps to very fesitive with the jewel on the front. Your tree and frontroom look beautiful. Enjoy the snow and warmer temperatures, dee x

  2. I love the frosted set. Never seen anything like it !! Understand what you mean about the dog and the tree. Last year our smallest cat "killed" two angels and a lot of other christmasdecorations. Love D

  3. i think the thrift store folks LOVE you! :)

  4. Thrifting is SO nice! Your tree looks so amazing and cosy. Hihi, the had in top is funny :-)

  5. I so wish I were lying on your more-than-comfortable-looking sofa. At this moment, I've been holed up here with what they're calling a bad reaction to a tooth extraction performed last Friday but which I think feels more like the flu. My condition is being worsened by having to watch daytime tv because I have absolutely NO energy to do much else. Have you seen 'The Real Housewives of DC'.......for a start, they're not real and for another thing, none of them ever do any 'housewifey' things. They do bitch a lot about each other though.....sheesh! glad I'm not young,good-looking,married to a filthy-rich older man - it seems to bring all sorts of problems!
    Have a great week, Heidi - your home is filled to the brim with Christmas Cheer. x

  6. Our christmastree will come to our livingroom on 23th december. I will decorate hin with american goods.

  7. It helps so much to have connections at the thrift store. Wonderful stuff. Your tree is so pretty.

  8. Massive tree, I'm interested how you took that picture, we're you swinging from the chandelier! :)

  9. Hello Heidi!
    I love the new flats and your tree!
    Thanks for the suggestion, I think I have watched some episodes of Castle and I remember liking it. :)

  10. Oh that frosted set is amazing! I love the hat tree topper so original and the view of your living room is spectacular! Well done.

  11. haha i love that you went right to the shop :)

  12. Oooohhhh, so pretty! I like the frosted green set along with the chicken scratch trees. LOVE!

  13. Love your big tree- ours takes over the lounge room too. The one upside is when you take it down again the room seems massive! Love the flats too and congrats on ditching those pounds, especially this time of year. mel x

  14. Oh my! l love that frosted set!!! I am more than a little impressed with all your exciting finds! I am slightly concerned with how the christmas tree is to survive this year...the little black terror is still nicking christmas ornaments and hiding them :-). Hope you have a good day Heidi, blessings Pam

  15. wow h you are sooo organised
    your tree is fab over the top!
    still need to organise
    a little chrimbo cheer here
    and i thought the glasses
    were already full with some sort
    of cocktail delight!
    cheers x ... ***
    {are you talking about the button?
    if yes i can resend it xx}

  16. Oh, the tree looks great and what a amazing hat on the top!!! Love it!
    Wish you have a nice christmas-time…here it's all white in white and I'll still waiting for the moose ;O)

  17. Absolutely AdOrE the glass and jug set!!
    Victoria xx

  18. oooh, wonderful frosted vintage set! Your shopping finds are fab too, I would love a pair of flats like that!
    You have a lovely blog, and I am having a good visit today.

  19. Hej Heidi, lovely frosted set. Your Christmastree is wonderful. The livingroom looks very cosy. Have a nice week, lieve groet

  20. Such a sweet Christmas home you have! I am loving your sweet new shoes...happy dancing around the Christmas tree with them. xox

  21. Your frosted thrift store find is awesome Heidi!!!!!
    And......your tree toper is so funny...you are soooooo creative!!!! Where did you ever find a red top hat, lol!!!!! Come help me someday!!!

  22. where the heck did you hang from to take that first x-mas tree in living room picture?
    a wall sconce, per chance?
