Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Greetings from Mexico.......

 Carroll my neighbor has been spending a few months in Mexico
the last few years......can we say jealous!
 While were stuck in the snowbanks of Alaska, 
she is enjoying 15 foot poinsettias. 
 I enjoyed these so much I wanted to share them with you.....
 This is my favorite, Bailey her dog enjoying a siesta!
Take care,


  1. Makes me want to go back to Mexico.

  2. Lovely pictures! The lemon tree being my favourite. xx

  3. How lovely to see some bright, flowery photographs!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  4. yup, that is the perfect post...from MN and surrounded by snow. Jealousy is natural!

  5. I'm ready, my suitcase is packed, lol!!!
    Chris :o)

  6. So gorgeous! Wouldn't that warm weather be great about now?

  7. They look beautiful Heidi, especially now it's so cold in Holland!! They make me want to step into a plane and want to go to warmer parts of the world :-)

    Madelief x

  8. Hej Heidi, wonderful place to be during the winter. I love the photo with the dog ;) Thank you!

  9. We are having 80's here in Orlando so you don't have to leave the country LOL! I have never seen a poinsetta that large...Wow, lucky her and lucky dog!!


  10. She is one lucky gal....I could sure use a trip to somewhere hot and sit on the beach for days right about now too. Thank you for sharing the joy...xoxoxo

  11. She's a lucky one. I like the picture of sleeping Bailay as well. Even better your great photos of the moose in your former post. Finally here's some snow too, just a thin layer. Enough to make Mika and I long walks in the forest.
    Regards, Annet

  12. It looks gorgeous and very lovely and warm, dee x

  13. ummm of course you can say 'this'...
    makes spain look chilly!
    what d'a say 'h' to a selfish hop to mexico?
    yeah lets go gal x ... ***

  14. Lovely pictures! Funny to think how full of contrasts the world is. Snowing and blowing and - 10 celsius here this ev. and warm and sunny in Mexico. Strange and exciting. Thanks for sharing :-)! Oh by the way, you asked if the christmas tree ornaments l showed a couple of posts back were vintage or copies, they are glass copies. Happy weekend Heidi, all the best from Pam
