Wednesday, January 18, 2012

I had company today....

I decided to stop whining about the cold even though it was 35 below this morning
in Kasilof.....and put out some Valentines Day cuties....keep busy!
I was just saying we haven't had any moose visit in a few weeks....
they read my mind!
look at him out by our burn pile....
look at my frosted door....
We decided to take a rest this afternoon.
then we got back to work

and then there were 2

Stay warm and have a great evening.....


  1. wow! two moose in the yard! just like that! :)

  2. Now this is something I've never seen in my yard yet. On the road, yes. You lucky lady.
    Your Valentine cuties are so sweet!

  3. Oh my Gosh..That is so awsome, they come so close and don't even seem to mind that you are there! I love that photo of your window with the L O V E across and the Moose in the background..Stay warm! xo

  4. Wow, any temperature below zero seems inconceivable to me. The moose seem pretty relaxed about it all. Cold but amazingly beautiful. melx

  5. For me it looks absolutely freezing! for me 19 plus was bad in Melbourne!!!!

  6. And I whine when it goes into the twenties here! Thanks for these neat photos. Wish I could stop by for a cup of tea.


  7. Oooooohh, what lovely pictures from those living creatures! Nice to be able to watch them so closely! I am afraid of moose in the traffic...

    Thanks for visiting me!

  8. We have a few things in common is freezing here!!! And I have those darling pink and white striped cupcake liners...I am sure we have more in common though...but one thing I do not have is a moose in my back yard!!!

  9. Having never been to the snow & always felt that I truly belong in an icy-cold environment, I am SO in awe of those gorgeous views you have at your place..and the visitors of course, amazing! I only need to pop over to your place and drool all over your sweet decorations & knick-knacks to feel energised & cheery..x

  10. Hi! You have so cute things! Greetings Riitta Sinikka

  11. I love seeing your photo's and seeing a little part of your world its so beautiful. I adore seeing the moose just doing their own thing in their own natural world to. The snow is beautiful and so peaceful i can't imagin living with it for so long, the longest here was a couple of weeks. Have a lovely day, dee xx

  12. The fact I love snow so much I love seeing your pictures. How amazing to have a moose in your back garden. Thanks for sharing!

    Lou xxx

  13. 35 below is pretty darn cold!!! I love the sunshine, don't you? It's really brightening up these very very cold days!!! Drove to work this morning and it was 19 below!!! Looking forward to a nice Chinook wind!!!! It always amazes me that the animals can endure these terribly cold days!!!
    Stay warm Heidi!!!
    Chris :o)

  14. Brr, it does look cold. What a gorgeous view of the moose, are they dangerous at all??

  15. 35 below?!? I think I need to stop whining about our non-winter. We did have temperatures at freezing for a few days, but these type of temps would probably make you want to break out your swimwear. Anyway it is warmish again and my Mom brought me roses from her garden. Not normal! Love your winter wonderland photos.

  16. Oh i love your vintage Valentines, adorable & how moosetastic is your garden??!! Goodness it's cold in your 'hood. I'm here poolside in Australia, my hair bleaching blonder in the sun & my husband is stuck in snowy Afghanistan, bless him!! Love Posie

  17. I always love seeing your pics and the ones of the moose do not disappoint. Minus 35 degrees. Good God. I don't think that I thought that possible. I'm in shock. Do you go out in those temperatures? What do you wear? Sorry to sound like a dimwit. xx

  18. Looking mighty chilly there in your part of the world Heidi! Keep warm and happy with your beautiful vintage things!

    Gill xx

  19. Lovely photos and there was I moaning about it being freezing here...Should not complain, you stay warm and safe.

  20. My, that IS cold. What an amazing sight to see in your garden.
    Love your little valentine cuties and your spotty storage canisters are gorgeous. M x

  21. Can't believe you get moose, wow!

  22. Hi, my name is Heather! Please email me when you can, I have a question about your blog!


  23. it looks sooo cold but very beautiful and...moooses yay love it x x x x x

  24. Hej Heidi, lovely to see the moose again.
    Have a nice weekend, lieve groet

  25. That is soooo fascinating! I get excited sometimes if I see a fox strolling around outside!

    Victoria xx

  26. Hello:)
    So cold it is where you are, here is -1.2;)
    Moose, we have outside the house too. There are some beautiful animals, I think.

    So nice that you want to follow me:)
    Wish you a nice weekend !
    Hugs from Jane

  27. Thank you for following my blog! I love your shelves!
    Have a great weekend!
    Hugs from Maria

  28. your valentine cuties are so... likable! joyful! ah, they warm my heart.
