Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Break half way over......And he may be a she?

 The poor moose are having a hard time this winter, so yesterday I made
a pot of soup and all the scraps I threw out the window
I figured something would eat them.......
 Thank you for dinner...said mr. moose!
 He or she ate until there was nothing left.....
 as he walked away I think he truly is a she.....
 We went sledding yesterday and the kids had a blast.....
On Sunday morning I was sharpening a knife and cut my finger
pretty good I had it glued together which helped.....
Your always so mad at yourself after these things.

Hope your all doing well, I'm sorry I have not had time to visit 
you this week...with the kids home on break
were trying to have something to do each day......which helps
keep the fighting to a minimum!

See you all soon!


  1. no, enjoy your happy, active kids! that moose is too sweet, looking in at you! be careful! no more cuts!

  2. Oh, that looks like so much fun. Our kids have never experienced snow. I hear you re. keeping them active and keeping the fighting to a minimum. We have a few more weeks until the holidays.

    Hope your finger heals quickly! Tam x

  3. Glued together? That sounds much better than the old needle and thread. I hope it heals up soon. - Have fun with your kids and we'll see you when things calm down. xo

  4. I loved your moose picture. What part of the country do you live in? I don't see these in my neck of the woods. Sledding looked like so much fun.


  5. Ouch! Hope your finger heals quickly. Mr/Ms Moose looks like he/she is enjoying the veggies! And the kids look like they are having a blast!!!

  6. I try to do the same thing with the wild animals. But, my time to feed and water them, is in the summer when there is nothing left to eat. With the drought we had last year, water was the most important thing to put out for them.
    What a great way for the kids to play in the snow!

  7. Hej Heidi
    Looks like your having fun on your spring break ;-)

  8. Wow those rings look great fun i would love to have a go in one of those myself ;-) You have had snow for ages. Ahh Mrs or Mr moose is so lovely what great close up shots. So sorry to hear you cut your finger hope it heals quickly for you. Enjoy having the children home, dee x

  9. Meeting with wild anmals is such a blessing, ever makes me feel so honoured. And so does 'meeting' kindness, just like yours.
    Those rings are fun, I know, and remember from my childhood. Never say sorry for choosing the kids over us. Take care of that finger!
    Lilli x

  10. Mr (or Mrs) Moose looks like he/she really appreciates the food..such a cutie :)
    The sledding looks like fun, brings back memories of when I was a child in Alberta..
    I hope your finger has healed up..ouch!

  11. Enjoy springbreak and take care!

  12. Oh Heidi….thank you so much for these nice pictures of mr of mrs Moose ;O)…and your kids are really having fun, aren't they?! Great sledding!
    Hope your finger is already and wish you another happy breakweek!

  13. Heidi - sorry about your finger! I hate it when that happens - I always feel so foolish! Your kids looks like they are having a blast sledding. The moose is so sweet looking, but they can be mean too - I've heard so many stomping stories. So nice of you to put out scraps for them. It has been a rough winter!

    1. Paula your right thats why I have never fed one before this is my first in all these years but they are so hungry...he was digging in our garbage can ripping apart the
      bags like a dog looking for food ...poor baby!

  14. Hi Heidi,

    Enjoy your holiday with the kids! It looks like you are having lots of fun!

    Sorry to hear about your finger. Hope it will heal soon!

    Much love,

    Madelief x

  15. Looks like a whole heap of lovely fun at your place!
    Hope your finger's on the mend.

  16. Heidi I had such a wonderful visit the other day. Your little moose is so sweet!!! I'm pretty sure he is a little boy, hopefully he will make it through the winter. I think a lot of the animals are anxious to be through with this winter. It's been a tough one!!!
    Send me the maker name of those lovely blue dishes you found, I'm going to look for them when I go to Oregon. I'm going to go to Ikea and see if they have any cute napkins for you!!
    Hope your finger heals properly!!! I will have to tell you my sheet rockers story sometime...and also the story about one of the framers! those two stories will make you feel better!!
    Enjoy the rest of spring break!!! Hugs to the kids!
    Chris :o)

  17. Ooohh sorry about your finger...hope its not too painful. Looks like Mr/Mrs Moose enjoyed lunch and it looks like you had a fabulous time sledging too...
    Debbie x

  18. Great pictures Heidi. You're a sweetheart for caring about the animals. I love the picture of the kids coming down the hill - perfect!

  19. Great photos and so close to the moose. We don't have even half or a 4th of your snow but we are getting some this morning. Lovely big flakes of snow are gently floating to the ground and staying.

  20. Hope your finger is getting better Heidi!!!
    Chris :o)

  21. hiya h
    been bonkers here
    could do with some fun
    would love the sledging lark
    thanks for the mention below
    nice moose and all


  22. Hi; It looks like much fun!
    Here we had our first Springday with sun and flowers and a butterfly in the garden....
    Hope you will get some spring too!
    greetings Fleur
