Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Weekend.....and a little re-do mess!

 I forgot to share my two lovely thrifted pictures.....
 I fell in love with these vintage asian prints
 So I have wanted to paint the frames all week and so this morning
I went to work in the laundry room. Its my new laundry room downstairs
its the only room in the house thats not finished so.....
 I sprayed away and three coats later 
I thought I had stepped in something as my slippers felt sticky.....
Drat that spray filtered into the house
 and the whole hallway had a white film on the hardwood floors.
 Not my proudest or should I say smartest move.....
Have you ever done something this silly?
 I also have to share my little man last night kind of gave me a scare
Phil and I were out chopping wood and the moose love the birch branches
so he was patiently waiting for his treat .....when I went to bring him a branch
to start nibbling on he did not move and when I was about 8 feet from him he 
ran away just a bit and immediately came back to devour it.
(ok, 2 not so smart moves in a 24 hour period)
I feel so sorry for them because the snow is so deep for these guys 
it take all their energy to get from one place to the next.....
He is cute, 
 this morning the pile of branches
was almost completely gone!


  1. oh, i do like those asian artworks! be careful with that moose!

  2. Good lord, just look at him standing outside your window! How exciting!!! :-)
    (and yes, I spray-paint on all the wrong surfaces all the time!)

  3. Oh, those moose are about the most beautiful creatures! You are so blessed to have them in your yard. I guess it's not too smart to get close though. I've heard of some deadly attacks!
    I thought you might put your new bird pics on your 'bird and butterfly' wall! Love them!

  4. I can't believe he is so close...I thought that they were dangerous, you are brave! - Your prints are precious and yes, I do stuff like that more times than I'd like to admit. xo

  5. my, my. i am wondering, as i'm reading this, and re-thinking previous posts on moose & co... you should actually do something with this knowledge, this understanding. well, in a sense, you are, of course, you're blogging on it. have you any idea how stunning these tales are?
    yes, coffee for breaks, SURE thing. let's see whether this long distance thingy works. santé, honey, and i will most certainly keep you posted. you will see changes. ha! all this waiting...

  6. Ooops on your project. Spray paint can really carry indoors. It's like hair spray in a bathroom. One day you realize the overspray has built up on the baseboard.
    The white frames are a real make the blue (or teal) stand out!

  7. Love the prints and the frames look wonderful...I'm always in trouble with my crafting antics but hey~ho...'its art'. Simply adoring your photos of the moose...they are just wonderful.
    Debbie x

  8. aahhh that is such a close up of him you can even see his eyes ;-) You have so much snow its amazing. Gorgeous prints and so pretty and delicate they look much nicer in the white frames it highlights their colours better. Have a lovely weekend, dee x

  9. Loove your birds!!! Hi hi, and don't worry, my life is full of 'not so smart moves':-)
    The moose in your garden... it seemed to me scary and exciting! He looks loveble!

    Happy Weekend!

  10. The difference is amazing! They are beautiful pictures and now look their best with the new white paint.
    Yes I've done many silly things like that usually when caught up in the enthusiasm of the moment with a project and I just want to get on without proper preparation!

    have a great weekend!

    Gill xx

  11. Oh Heidi I do stuff like that ALL the time! Like a couple of weeks ago I painstakingly hand-sanded a 50s end table back, puttied the holes up, varnished it...then realised I'd forgotten to stain it...what a f!ckwit!!!

  12. oh my, that is not cute, he is scary !!
    Be careful :-)
    The asian prints are wow !

  13. Hi and thanks for visiting and for your sweet comment. Your prints are great,the frames are perfect for them.
    Be back again soon! Have a lovely weekend. :0)

  14. That silly? Oh YES! the time that springs to mind is trying to respray a car bonnet in my dad's kitchen one evening whilst he was out. I know what you mean about the floor!

  15. Hi! Ooooo, I love your things!!! So beautiful!! Happy weekend!

  16. Oh, I think I am the queen of re-do messes!

    Love your visitor! We do not get moose up here, so it is a treat to see them on your blog. :)

    Happy weekend!!!
    ~ Zuzu

  17. I am looking forward to getting the pictures that you sent! :)
    Wish you a happy weekend!

  18. We are accident prone in this house - too many accidents to list! The moose obviously knows that the kind humans will help them to get some food which must be nigh on impossible for them to get to themselves with all that snow! How marvellous that you see them so close up! LOve the thrifted paintings!

  19. I thought of you today when I went to the local fleamarket. I found two small wallplates made of wood with handpainted flowers, your style...
    You inspire me! Have a great day and take care of your furry friend!

  20. What a beautiful animal. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Awww, he's a hungry boy! Winter is so hard on the animals. Hurry up spring!
